Board Application

Forest Hills Foundation Board Application

New board members wanted

The FHPS Foundation is accepting board applications for the Central and Northern attendance areas. If you have a passion for education and our schools, love to volunteer, have a philanthropic mindset and are looking for a way you can become involved to support educators and students, then consider serving on the Forest Hills Public Schools Foundation board. For additional information, read below.

To apply, click here:

Board of Trustees Overview

The Foundation is organized as a directorship, and the Foundation consists of At-Large Trustees and Ex Officio members. The business, property, and affairs of the Foundation is managed by the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees consists of fifteen At-Large Trustees and three Ex Officio Trustees. The fifteen At-large Trustees consists of five members from each of the three geographic sides of the Forest Hills Public Schools District, that being, Northern, Central, and Eastern, respectively. The school superintendent is one of the three Ex Officio members; the remaining two Ex Officio members include an FHPS principal and an FHPS Board of Education member.

Each At-Large Trustee is elected to a three-year term. An At-Large Trustee may be approved to serve an additional three-year term consecutive after the expiration of their first term.

Every year, all trustees are responsible for abiding by the terms and conditions set forth in the Board Trustee Expectation Policy. Additionally, all Trustees also execute a Conflict of Interest Policy and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.

The following are expectations of Foundation board members:

  1. Exhibit a strong commitment to supporting excellence in education for all FHPS students.
  2. Receive no compensation for my service on the Board.
  3. Become knowledgeable with the FHPSF bylaws, policies, and procedures.
  4. Be responsible for creating awareness of the FHPSF, its mission, and direction within the FHPS community.
  5. Serve on at least one committee and attend all relevant committee meetings and/or events. [Committees include: Foundation awareness, donor development, alumni relations, grants, investment, and policy/nominating. The executive committee consists of the chairperson, vice chairperson, treasurer, secretary, and immediate past chairperson. Most committees meet once each month, with additional roles/responsibilities assigned.]
  6. Uphold the confidentiality of the FHPSF information, including, but not limited to, donor information and contributions.
  7. Make charitable contributions to the FHPSF commensurate with your ability to give.
  8. Participate in fundraising activities including special events and assist in the identification, evaluation, and solicitation of donors and prospects, including hosting a table at the State of the District luncheon and the annual Gala.
  9. Attend Board meetings and other meetings as requested by the Chair, and understand that absence for three consecutive meetings could result in removal.

If you have a passion for education and our schools, love to volunteer, have a philanthropic mindset and are looking for a way you can become involved to support educators and students, then consider serving on the Forest Hills Public Schools Foundation board. To apply, click here, or visit the website for an application. Once the Foundation receives your application, the next step in the process is to meet with the executive director and then eventually interview with the policy and nominating committee. For additional information, please call the Foundation office, (616) 493-8500. Thank you for your consideration!

The Foundation's Mission

In partnership with our community, the Forest Hills Public Schools Foundation is committed to raising funds and awareness to support all learners and educators within the Forest Hills Public School District.

About the Foundation

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Ways to Give

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